Energy Watch
Lower Energy, Data, Voice, Wireless Costs” Our blog is intended to provide facility executives with cutting edge energy information and trends”
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7 Ways to Reduce Energy Costs
Many responsible organizations have developed sustainability goals. Reducing the use of fossil fuels is a key goal in preserving our environment. Clearly, for most businesses a win win exists, reducing the use of fossil fuels and reducing energy costs. The following...
What Are the Next Steps for Achieving Greater Energy Savings?
Even if your organization hasn’t added solar or wind to your energy strategy and no matter where you currently are and what you plan to do next a smart play is to employ an Artificial Intelligence (AI) energy management platform with energy storage. An AI energy...
Reducing Energy and Operational Costs at Industrial, Warehouses and Distribution Centers
Facility managers at warehouses, distribution centers and industrial buildings are facing more pressure than ever to decrease cost of operation. With the ever-increasing utility rates, improving energy efficiency has become a top priority for...
Artificial Intelligence Energy Management
Energy Update May 29, 2018
BOX Newsletter 05292018
Vermont’s governor is incentivizing energy conservation
Vermont has been called a socialist republic, the most progressive state in the nation — much of its political energies, in fact, are spent trying to delineate between the somewhat liberal stands of Democrats and the more liberal positions of Progressives, who make up...
LED Lighting Myths Dispelled
In the last five years, LED lighting and controls have been widely used in a broad range of general lighting applications, from residential to commercial, but there are a number of persistent misconceptions about LED lighting – many based on knowledge of...
Solar Energy – The Top 5 Reasons for Going Solar
From energy independence to national security, there are countless reasons to go solar. The list is truly endless. But when we asked our customers why they decided to go solar, certain patterns emerged. Below are 5 of the most popular reasons we’ve received. 1....
Our Mission – Freedom
At SBSI Energy Solutions our mission is to "help our clients Free themselves from dependance on the utility". We know this is a lofty goal, however there are reported circumstances where this has happened. In most circumstances this has happened in "special"...
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“No More Wasted Energy” – ENERNOC
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